Level 066: The Tetris Champion, Final Fantasy Fantasies, Hello Hades
The loss of Tetris Champion Jonas Neubauer, Fulfilling all your Final Fantasy fantasies in Final Fantasy XIV, and Greek Mythology inspired Roguelike Hades

❤️ The gaming world mourns the loss of Seven-time Classic Tetris World Champion Jonas Neubauer who done so much for the rejuvenation of the game especially at a competitive level
💚 Final Fantasy XIV had an extremely rocky start to life when it was initially released back in September 2010, but over 10 years later it now has a reputation of one of the best MMOs on the market. Thom discusses why he's playing the game so much recently. Why not check out the free trial for yourself right here
💙 Hades by Supergiant games took the indie scene by storm in 2020, but does it deserve all the hype it's getting? Thom decided to find out.

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